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Made in Sicily

Sicilian oil, family oil
in the heart of the Belìce Valley

Partanna, Belìce Valley Here, among the hills of Trapani, two fortunes intersect. On the one hand, the land, prosperous and favorable to the cultivation of unique olives, such as Nocellara del Belìce, Biancolilla and Cerasuola. On the other, a family that, from generation to generation, reinforces dedication and increases experience in olive growing.
Two fortunes sealed by the desire to create an olive oil that stands out for the one factor that really matters. Excellent taste.
This is the story of the Geraci family, this is the story of Geraci Oil.





Ready-made sauces

Products Line

Logo Armonico
Logo Opera

The oil mill's flagship line, the one that first enhanced the characteristics
of the Nocellara del Belìce olive, reaping international success with fine,
flavorful oils. Geraci oil has accompanied Italians' meals, at home and in restaurants,
along with preserves and products in oil.

The Armonico Line is emblematic of an ongoing commitment to soil selection
within the Belìce Valley and the cultivars best suited to its extraordinary
micro-climatic context. A line that pursues maximum healthfulness for the consumer
and respect for the environment, the latter attested by BIO and P.D.O certifications.
The production line offers a varied and "harmonious" panorama of products, with olives,
the most successful Vegan Ok certified sauces and recipes.

A perfect medium fruitiness, an enjoyable flavor that lingers for a long time. Opera oil is
the mill's tribute to the industriousness of Sicilians. Each product in this line is the result
of a careful production approach, characterized by strict quality standards.
The extra virgin olive oil is stored in steel silos and under nitrogen to preserve its
scents and polyphenol content. Among Opera's products, alongside olive oils
P.D.O and Novello, ready-made sauces and preserves in oil are included.


The Geraci Family

Family ties for which affection, trust and mutual respect are the scaffolding. The very planks of an intimate connection with the land, traditions and that all-Italian taste for knowing how to do things well.

The Geraci family has been dedicated to olive cultivation and olive oil production for four generations, although the history of olive trees in the Belìce Valley is significantly older. As early as Bourbon times, Nocellara del Belìce appeared in 17th-century agrarian compendiums as the predominant cultivar in the agricultural areas between Selinunte and Trapani.

It would be more than two hundred years before the Geraci family intertwined its history with that of the territory. . It was 1925, when the passion for fresh olive oil changed from a simple family business to a commercial activity, with the establishment of the first mill and the beginning of production aimed at sales.

The turning point came with the third generation, thanks to the passion of Giovanni Geraci, father of Massimiliano and Lorenzo, the brothers who now lead the company and who, following in their father’s footsteps, interpret tradition with special care, technological innovation and daily dedication. The shared goal is that each bottle of olive oil can be a unique experience, a journey of taste in Sicily.


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